Exciting News: Top Women in Healthcare Awards
I am humbled, grateful and excited to share that I have been selected as a finalist for the “Top Women in Healthcare Awards.” For those of you who aren’t familiar with these awards, they recognize unique contributions and leadership of female healthcare executives across all sectors of the market: hospitals, healthcare systems, physician organizations, pharmaceuticals, insurance, technology, nonprofits, and government organizations.
Their goal is to recognize those who are advancing their profession in meaningful and moving ways, specifically having an impact on patients, customers and culture at large – and to elevate female leadership. So it’s no surprise that as a finalist, I’m joining a truly inspiring group of women who are blazing a trail in healthcare leadership.
As many of you know from reading Lifecircle Leadership: How Exceptional People Make Everyday Extraordinary, my path to serving as CEO of Loretto wasn’t an easy one. Along the way I held several jobs that were necessary to pay the bills and take care of my kids – I did what I needed to provide for my kids and to ensure that their futures were as bright as they could be. And every day, I go to work with women and men who are doing the same thing. Their circumstances may be different in one way or another, but I see the very same nose-to-the-grindstone intent that I have always held in my heart and do my best to find ways to support them.
So, the reality is that the thanks belongs to my entire Loretto family—the 2,500 dedicated caregivers and the 10,000 individuals that they care for each year. It’s their compassion, hard work, and commitment to our mission “to be a family of exceptional people caring about and for each other” that has led to innovative new programs – and they encourage and motivate me as a leader every day.